i LOVE thanksgiving! for the past five years, warren and i have hosted thanksgiving at our house for my family and his. it is just the
best. there is nothing more special then having everyone you love in your house eating, drinking, and sharing memories on this special day....i am so thankful for all of our family (and will miss our extended fam that can't be w/ us).
currently, i am running around w/ my head cut off trying to finish up some work and get my house ready.....so i better start mopping-seriously hate mopping, get showered, and out the door!! xoxox from pink wallpaper!!! remember calories don't count of holidays :)
** oh, that turkey isn't burnt! we grill our turkey every year- a tradition that began over 25 yrs ago w/ my dad and his best friend...it's the best way to eat turkey (let the men cook it)!!